Bali: Unique sights, independent cultural heritage, and deep religious beliefs…

Just got back from a short break in Bali, enjoying this province island of Indonesia that is well known across the globe and is one of the top tourist destinations in the world. Bali is the only Hindu majority province in Indonesia with more than 90% of the population adhering to Balinese Hinduism, making this a key highlight as a tourist since Hinduism is not a religion that I am very familiar. There are 4.3 million people living in Bali split in 9 regencies, with traces of people living 2000BC that migrated from Taiwan; it was under Dutch control until 1949 when Indonesia was recognized as a country and Bali became a province.

One of the iconic images from Bali is, called Candi Bentar. (Ulun Danu Beratan Temple)

Bali is a great place for surfing, with many beaches available to practice the sport and with impressive views like in Tanah Lot where people surf in front of beautiful temples. Since 80% of the economy is based on tourism, you will find accommodations of all budgets along the beaches and in the countryside with rooms overlooking into rice paddies or even the change to have a room looking towards Mount Batur an active volcano.

Once you arrive at Denpasar, capital of Bali and go outside you clearly see that the people of Bali are one of their biggest assets; the people are looking to politely provide service to you and very respectful of your space as you manage the busy arrival term towards the taxi or transportation that will take you to your destination. For us we decided to stay in Ubud, located amongst rice paddies and steep ravines in the central foothills of the Gianyar regency; is promoted as the arts and Culture Center of Bali and if you don’t stay there is a must place to go and explore.

There is lot of traffic in Bali, biggest roads are only 2 lanes with one lane at each side for rural roads also if you add the big number of motorcycles in the street it can get a bit overwhelming. My recommendation for a short stay is to hire a driver / tour guide that can take you to the different places, reducing the risk of driving in these roads that are unknown to you. Be prepared to spend a bit of time as you move from place to place, it was not a hassle but if you have a limited number of days you will spend 10-12 hours going to some awesome places so it´s worth it.

We decided to hire a 2 full days guide that would take us across the island to some of the best sights, plus had another full day for us to explore Ubud Center. After looking for tours, I found this company that had good reviews and local knowledge of Bali, here is the tour guide LINK if you want more info. Our guide was one of the partners of Putu Arnawad, Mr Kadek was a great guide very knowledgeable of the island he made us feel safe and the trip was very enjoyable.

Here is a list of things we did, Bali has tons more things to do and depending on the number of days you can include more things, for 2 days of tours I think we were very aggressive and got to see most of the great things Bali has to offer. You can use this as a reference if you are planning to go, I have also included some photos of the places so you can see some of the beauties of Bali:

  • Ubud Center – Spend 1/2 in Ubud enjoy some shopping and sightseeing, here 2 great places to eat and chillax: Lunch at Ibu Susu Bar (Mixology) / Dinner at Nusantara (Indonesian Food)
  • Ubud Palace – Go and do the Legong and Barong Dance show, interesting form of dance that is pure Balinese
  • Tanah Lot Temple & Batu Balong Temple – By the beach, is a beautiful sunset place
  • Ulun Danu Beratan Temple – Beautiful temple in a big space, great place to see some hindu ritual, lots of locals go there
  • Goa Gajah also known as Elephant Cave (Built in 9th century) – Smaller temple but interesting to see the fountain and bathing pool discovered in 1954
  • Pura Tirta Empul – Explore a local hindu custom of spiritual cleansing, can be experienced live
  • Tegallalang Rice Terraces – beautiful sight and ingenious water irrigation technology, you can see people working the land (Hard working people)
  • Blue Lagoon Beach – hidden cozy beach, great place to relax by the sea
  • Candidasa Beach – Beachfront lunch, there are many restaurants to choose and enjoy
  • Twin Lakes – Lakes were formed after the mountain collapse and separated the body of water, you can see them from the top of the road
  • Banyumala Waterfalls – There are many to choose but this one is impressive and you can even go in the water if you want
  • Luwak Coffee stop – Enjoy one of the most expensive coffees in the world and learn the process to get it (Or not)

Bali offers options for everyone; I recommend that you get to explore a bit of everything and have a full taste of their offerings including having some of the local food (Best Fried Rice in the world). Learning about their culture and religious beliefs help you understand why the Balinese people are so warm and acceptant of all foreigners; people make the difference and in this case Bali locals bring the experience to another level.

For our stay in Ubud we decided to stay at the Maya Ubud resort HOTEL LINK and have the forest-valley experience that you see in ads when you research Bali and it was worth it. This resort is a local company focused on providing great personalized service, the property offer different rooms and the facilities, specially the pool by the river are phenomenal. You can stay in this hotel if you want top notch service, with great food and best in class accommodations.

Bali is definitely a destination to go if you want to experience something different, great people and different traditions are a big hit. Thanks for reading the post, please share to your friends and sign in to receive our updates; also follow us on Instagram, and Facebook search for #BORICUASLIVINGABROAD. Until next time….

Cappadocia: Go back more than 2,000 years and get transported in history, plus a one in a billion hot air balloon experience

This past August we had the opportunity to visit Turkey and explore Istanbul (City in 2 continents), plus a 2-day escape to Cappadocia where the famous hot air balloon ride is done above some amazing sights with more than 2,000 years history. You will see some of the impressive sights in Cappadocia, a place where not only the balloon ride is a must but also the food, museums, and the cool cave hotels are a must do. Let me tell you this now that I was there, stay 2 nights in Cappadocia is completely worth it.

To get there from Istanbul we took a fast 75-minute flight to Kayseri, after landing is a 50 min ride by car to the smaller cities of Goreme, Urgup, Ortahisar. These locations are the ones where all the action happens, if you book a balloon ride they will pick you up at your hotel. There are plenty of places to stay in Cappadocia, my recommendation is to try a cave hotel. We found one small one with a great view to a rock castle in Ortahisar; the hotel names is Doda Artisanal Cave hotel. Great experience with big rooms, nice outside sitting areas with awesome views but the most important part was the personalized service we received. Must do the Turkish breakfast in the terrace in the open air.

Because we went for only one night, our calendar was packed with activities but also squeezed time to relax and enjoy the small-town life. The first day we did a full day tour of Cappadocia, where they would take us to the main highlights and share some of the history of this place including the Goreme Open Air Museum, Fairy Chimneys and one of the many underground cities that were used from protection from the many incursions along hundreds of years. Getting a licensed tour is a must here, you get more details and some of the colorful stories that only a local guide can share; one last point is that you stimulate the local economy. Here some highlights from the daily tour:


Imagine a place where thousands of years ago a volcano erupted. Ash and lava fell across the landscape and hardened to form rocks. After many years of erosion formed the fairy chimneys that we see today, plus locals realized that they could carve into rocks and turned them into houses and churches. In this museum you can see some Churches/Temples made inside the rock and the place was a monastery where people came and studied/learn Christianism then they could continue their journey and spread the word. The place is impressive if you understand the role of this place on the biggest religion of the world.


One of the best places to admire the fairy chimneys is Pasabaglar also known as valley of the priest it contains some of the most striking fairy chimneys in Cappadocia. In ancient times, Christian clergymen lived and served as missionaries in Paşabaglar. The priests, who lived here, created living spaces and religious shrines in the valley throughout their lives (Some of them lived secluded at the top of one of the chimneys). Is incredible how by walking through the area you feel transported to those times.

We also went to other sights like one underground city and a cafe at the top of a mountain where you can see the Rock Castle and the many impressive cave structure around Cappadocia, our guide was great, very knowledgeable of the area and the history of Turkey it was a great first day. At night we went to Goreme one of the busiest places and had dinner in one of many rooftop restaurant called Haruna, it was a great choice made by our hotel and the best way to finish that day in preparation to our Hot Air Balloon Ride.

For sure the top activity in Cappadocia is the Hot Air Balloon ride, it is something spectacular and unique, the hour you spend flying is magical and more when you can truly admire all the beauty of the place, plus you get to see the sunrise from the air is something I will never forget. There was a good amount of research in order to select the company I would trust taking us a 1,000 feet in the air in a wooden basket and a hot air balloon and after analyzing I decided with Butterfly Balloons, what a great selection it was. They are true professionals with great logistics and communication, you feel comfortable in trusting your life in this adventure.

You start early in the day, pick up time was 4:25 am, at this time you go to their home base while they finish preparation and take you to the takeoff zone with the rest of the people. Is impressive the number of vans moving across the city in the morning getting the people to their respective places, I learn that only 100 balloons fly at the beginning of the day and then other 50 balloons it looks very well managed. You get to your takeoff zone early in the morning and see the preparation on the balloons, adrenaline starts pumping. Once they get the balloons ready, is go time. You receive one last security brief and up we go!!! Our balloon had a capacity of 20 people, but they kept it at 16 to have a bit more space, it did not feel crowded.

Pictures don’t make justice to the flight but give perspective to the grandeur of the place; it feels so calm when you are up there, it is time for you to connect you with the world. The captain showed great dexterity taking us up and down across the mountains; during the whole flight there was communication from the balloon to the people in the ground, making feel you secure. After the landing you get your certificate for flying (still not a pilot :-)) and the traditional champagne celebration that dates to 1783 when in one of the first balloon flights the captain used a bottle of champagne in goodwill to the farmers where he landed. From the landing site they take you back to the hotel, still early in the morning around 9AM to have another great Turkish breakfast before doing a bit of horseback and back to Istanbul.

Our whole Turkey trip was awesome and our 36 hours in Cappadocia were just spectacular, great experience and one we will always cherish. Thanks for reading the post, please share it and sign in to receive our updates; also follow us on Instagram, or Facebook look for #BORICUASLIVINGABROAD. Until next time….

Ha Long Bay, Vietnam: where dragons came to rest… A good place to get lost and chillax…

A short 2 hours drive from Hanoi you can reach 1 of the 8 World Heritage sites Vietnam has to offer and is called Ha Long Bay (HaLong means descending dragon), the bay features thousands of karsts and islet in various shapes and sizes. It is part of a larger zone that includes Bai Tu Long bay and Cat Ba Island, this zone include the same geography and climate to Ha Long Bay.

We were on a tight schedule, so we decided to do a 1 night cruise and experience some of the highlights of the zone; you can also do 2 nights and get deeper into the bay and explore other places if you have the time and money to do it. After our experience I would say that the 1 day cruise is enough to appreciate Ha Long bay beauty and have a memorable experience in one of the many cruises they offer but, you will not be able to go far and see some other beautiful sights Ha Long bay offers.

If you are taking a cruise most probably you will arrive in Tuan Chau port, we saw many companies that have their office for Check In to the Cruise here; different to other places that you get in the boat direct from the pier here they take you on a small ferry to the cruise and do the boarding along the bay. They do this to make sure you start deep into the bay and maximize your time there; logistics would not work if you take the boat from land. It is important to understand that if you are going from Hanoi it will be 3 to 4 hour trip to get into the cruise (Road + Ferry); is a lot of time but the next 24 hours are packed with great things to experience.

There are many choices of cruises for Ha Long Bay, most of them have similar schedules and amenities. As you do research you will find different levels to choose from, of course at the end will be based on the budget and the amenities you want; my recommendation is that you book direct with the company you want to use and ask for the latest photos and brochures before you make the decision. We decided for Mon Cheri Cruises and what a great choice it was; the boat was a classic one very well kept with great rooms (Ours had huge windows looking to the Bay and a big balcony), Food and Drinks were great, Activities and organization on point, and the crew were very professional and helpful.

The 1 night schedule is packed with activities but we did not fill rushed, it was laid out in a way that there was time to enjoy the boat and the beauty of Ha Long Bay. After you get on board, there is the final check in and a buffet lunch before the cruise start moving across Lan Ha Bay where you start enjoying breathtaking scenery. Here you can do a little bit of Kayaking or just enjoy from the top of the cruise (cocktail in hand), use the pool while surrounded from mountains coming out of the water. Being there you start to understand the legend about a mother dragon and her children who spat jewels and jade, which turned into islands and islets and created a firm wall intercepting the invaders. Later, the dragon family decided to stay here; and the name “Hạ Long” was born.

In the afternoon they offered a cooking demonstration at the top of the boat, with a happy hour where you could enjoy a couple of drinks and just admire the sunset in the Gulf of Tonkin. Before going to dinner you have time to enjoy your balcony in the room, it was a great opportunity for me to realize how blessed I am on enjoying this destinations and also get to know cultures little known to me. Dinner was held at the main dining room, very good food and the right amount leaving enough space to catch a nightcap in the bar and also try your luck in squid fishing (not that lucky in our case).

Next morning was an early breakfast before going in a boat for 30 minutes to visit Trung Trang, one of the most impressive caves in Cat Ba island, Vietnam. The limestone cave has thousands of stalactites in various shapes, this place was amazing and very different from other caves I have seen. After this visit you go back to the boat and prepare for the check out and one last lunch before going back to the Port and back to Hanoi.

All the boats light at night, you can hear some music and fun!!!

It was a packed 24 hours but the sights will be remembered forever, this place has a unique charm very difficult to find anywhere else. Is important that you find a good cruise because it also adds to the experience in particular good rooms with a view, less rooms making it more cozy and with enough reviews that you feel comfortable with the decision you are making. This stop in our trip was truly memorable.

Still one post to go on Vietnam, where I share a little bit on Ho Chi Minh city (Previously Saigon). Thanks for reading the post, please share it and sign in to receive our updates; also follow us on Instagram, or Facebook look for #BORICUASLIVINGABROAD. Until next time….

Sri Lanka cultural triangle: a natural jewel – great escape from the city…

Just landed from a short trip to Sri Lanka and what a great decision it was… We stayed in the Uga Ulagalla hotel located in Sri Lanka cultural triangle for an escape from the city and connect with nature while exploring the history, food, sights and culture of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka a relatively young Independent country (1948 independence) is a nation of around 22 million people, similar in size to Lithuania but an island in the Indian Ocean. Their capital is Colombo, where close to 30% of the people; their main religion is Buddhism and Sinhalese is the official language but you can find many people that speak English since is the language to speak with many tourists (Also there is British history influencing).

The Cultural triangle is situated in the center of the Sri Lanka and covers an area which includes the World Heritage cultural sites of the Sacred City of Anuradhapura, the Ancient City of Polonnaruwa, the Ancient City of Sigiriya, the Ancient City of Dambulla and the Sacred City of Kandy. Due to historical events, some of which are thousand years old, these sites are of high tourist value; they are visited by many local and foreign tourists.

Since we had limited time, the decision was to explore Sri Lanka cultural triangle but also stay in the area so we could enjoy more time doing things and less driving between activities; also the plan included a day to enjoy the property since the hotel we booked looked like a great place to enjoy with many activities. We plan for a 5d/4n stay with a mix of external and internal activities that included Sigiriya Lion Rock, Dambulla Caves, Minneriya national and some horseback riding plus archery in the hotel.

The selection of tours was awesome and the support from the hotel to book and our guide Sakun made it even better, the tours included a picnic that added to the experience and felt like being part of Jurassic Park. Here is brief information on the different places we visited.

Sigiriya Lion Rock

Is an ancient rock fortress, is a site of historical and archeological significance in Sri Lanka that goes back more than 1500 years. The story is that King Kashyapa build the new capital here at the top of this massive granite rock 180 meter high. Is called Lion Rock because at the middle had a getaway build on rock in the form of a lion, today we can see the paws of what was this immense monument. The palace was abandoned after the king death and later used as a Buddhist until 14th century. Today Sigiriya is recognized as a Unesco World Heritage site, it was discovered in 1830’s and Archeological work began in 1890. It is one of the best-preserved example of early urban planning, the aqueduct system still works after more than 1500 years.

Dambulla Caves

It is the largest cave system in Sri Lanka, also known as Golden Temple of Dambulla is a Unesco World Heritage site. This place is more than 2000 years old, with an impressive collection of paintings and statues, we saw 5 caves that had many paintings and Buddha statues all made during different times and kings. The caves are part of a still functional monastery, it is well preserved and more important they continue to be very strict to ensure it remains in good condition. It is quite an impressive place and the vibe you get when you are there is a great one, lots of stories inside those caves for sure.

Minneriya National Park

It is a national park and is a feeding ground for the elephant population that lives around the surrounding area. In the park they have sighted 20+ different species of mammals, 150+ species of birds, 20+ species of reptiles but the star of the park is the Sri Lankan Elephant, there are reports of more than 700 elephants in the park in a specific time. The park is an important place for endemic species of Sri Lanka monkeys; you could also find Sri Lankan Leopard, Deer or Sloth Bear. The water reservoir is an important habitat for larger birds, you can easily see them across the park. For us it was a great experience, to see the Sri Lankan Elephant in their habitat, other species like the water buffalo and many different birds. We only hope the population continues to grow for all this species.

We also had a great time with the activities we did in our hotel and it added to make the experience even better. The Uga Ulagalla hotel is a clear choice if you want to complement the great sights of the cultural triangle, not only the location but the facilities, the food, and their people makes it one of the best hotels we have stayed in the world. One tip is to do one day and enjoy the property; we spent it doing horseback riding, archery, and relaxing time in the both the common pool and our private pool in our villa. Having your own private pool in your villa makes it the best to cool down after a full day of activities.

The property is situated in a more than 100 year old hacienda, with spacious villas and tons of amenities, a link is included in the previous paragraph. They even have an Elephant conservation project led by Katherina, you can go there and learn more about this and how they are protecting the ecosystem in the area.

Another tip during the stay is to do the Kamatha dinner: a 32 Sri Lanka dishes feast cooked the way it was done in previous generations with clay pots and cinnamon firewood. It was clear the level of effort and expertise of this great team, is something you will never forget from the beautiful location (Middle of a rice paddy field with an enormous Tree protecting you). Please don’t miss the food prepared by Chef Dulika and Manel supported by the great host Aruna (Secret Ingredient for sure is Love).

Great first experience of Sri Lanka: the history, sights, hotel, and the people make this country a must go for any traveler who like adventure. I would like to give a special thanks to the team of Uga Ulagalla, they really made our days memorable, to all employees our most sincere gratitude and all the best in the future.

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Hanoi: Vietnam capital delivers great energy from their people, alongside some impressive sights and food…

Southeast Asia has many great countries to visit and explore; Vietnam is clearly atop of the list offering tons of history, great sights, energetic people, and delicious food that will satisfy all travelers. To fully explore Vietnam you will need a good 3-4 weeks, since the country offers many things from north to south. From my research the best way to plan is to divide Vietnam in 3 parts and plan around this: North (Hanoi), Central (Da Nang), South (Ho Chi Minh). For us we only had one week and needed to make choices of the places to see.

Active train line, with cafes and shops alongside

I am starting where we first landed in our Vietnam journey and is Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam located in the north part of the country. Hanoi is the second biggest city in Vietnam with more than 8 million people living in and around the city, one of the first things I want to highlight is how welcoming the people were during our stay; everywhere we went people were happy to greet you and have a few words with you making the trip even more enjoyable.

Hanoi is divided into districts and this important to understand before you select where you want to stay; some of the famous areas of Hanoi include the french quarter, old quarter, Tay Ho, Ba Dinh. Every area has pros and cons, we decided to stay in the Old Quarter and was a great decisions based on location and how we were able to move easy my walking or taxi. The hotel we stayed was La Sinfonia Citadel hotel and spa, it is located at the Old Quarter very close from many attractions. Not only the location was good but the employees were phenomenal, did an awesome job in making us very welcomed. I would recommend the hotel and go back if planning to go again.

We stayed 3 nights in Hanoi with lots of activities to see and food to taste, you could tell that 3 days is not that much but the way we structured the calendar was enough to enjoy the highlights and also experience some great food. When on leisure travel I like to blend guided visits with locals and some alone time to get “lost” in the city in this way you have free time to spend as you like giving the opportunity to find your own highlights.

In our guided tour in Hanoi, we got the opportunity to learn more about Vietnam and Hanoi history; I was impressed with how much heavy stuff the people have faced, but most important how they used past experience and look into working to build a better country for them and the next generations present and future; also interesting to see how Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism beliefs play an important part in the everyday life of the people.

Hanoi is an easy city to explore, here you can fins some of the most go places to go in Hanoi and learn more about the history of the city.

1. Temple Literature: 1,000 year old Confucian Temple and the first university in Vietnam

2. Tran Quoc Pagoda & One Pillar Pagoda: Buddhist Temples where you can see locals expressing their beliefs

3. Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum: Resting Place of Ho Chi Minh, 1,000’s of people visit every day to pay respect, also they have a museum

4. Hoa Lo Prison: Also known as the Hanoi Hilton, it served as prison during the multiple conflicts in Vietnam a. US Senator John McCain was prisoner here during Vietnam war

5. Thang Long Water Puppet Show: Vietnamese tradition, originated in the Red River Delta. Cool to see the live show at the theater

6. Walk around French and Old Quarter: Set time to get “lost” in the city and find unique sights and stories like Ngoc Son Temple or B52 remains in a small pond in the middle of the city

Hanoi traffic is impressive, mainly because the number of motorbikes is crazy. Vietnam is one of the countries with highest penetration of motorbikes in the world (65 million registered for 100 million population), you need to be careful when walking and crossing the street since they are coming from every place like mosquitoes. You can do lots of walking in the city and mixed with Grab (moto or car) getting across is very easy.

Vietnamese food is very tasty and fresh, is crazy the amount of noodles the people eat here in Vietnam but also they have other dishes that take advantage of the great local produce, fish and meats. I do strongly recommend you do a Food Tour at night where you will be able to have some great foodie experience with of course local beer. Here some of the things you most try in Vietnam and specially in Hanoi.

  1. Pho:  Probably the most well known Vietnamese dish consisting of Broth, rice noodles, herbs and meat (Ususally Chicken or Beef). This one is a must and not to be missed.
  2. Ca Phe Trung or Egg Coffe: Its main ingredients are egg yolk, coffee, and condensed milk. Vietnam is the second biggest export country for coofee, and their coofee is really top quality. Egg coffee is served in cafes all over Hanoi, cold or hot.
  3. Banh Xeo – Vietnamese Crepe: Is made out of flour and turmeric while it is filled with pork, bean sprouts, and shrimp. This savory dish is a very popular street food in Vietnam.
  4. Bun Cha – Grilled Pork and Noodles: Consists of a soup bowl of diluted fish sauce that is filled with grilled pork, meat balls, rice noodles and fresh herbs. Let me tell you fish sauce here is the king of ingredients.
  5. Bahn Mi – Baguette with pate: Bread in Vietnam is delicious, they really know how to do it, some people say is the best place to find bread in Southeast Asia. A combination of meat, coriander, cucumber, pickeled carrots, mayonnaise and pate all inside a baguette make a great combination.

This was our first stop in Vietnam, and let me tell you that Hanoi was a great introduction to an awesome country that has learned from the past and are focused to shine in the world defined by great people; when you add the incredible sights and their awesome food it is a must go place that you need to include on your travel plans.

Be ready to enjoy the rest of Vietnam posts in the near future. Thanks for reading the post, please share it and sign in to receive our updates; also follow us on Instagram, or Facebook look for #BORICUASLIVINGABROAD. Until next time….

Some amazing places to go in Tokyo… bucket list city 100%…

You would expect a city that would rank top 40 in population when compared to countries (yes you read correct, 37+ million people live in Tokyo); there would be chaos and basically you see people walking on top of each other. On the contrary you find a city with lots of energy that flows in balance across the people that live and visit this great city.

We had the opportunity to see Cherry Blossoms at Ueno Park

It would be crazy to suggest an itinerary in just one post, my idea is to share some of the places you must go when visiting this majestic city. Tokyo size but most important the role it has in Japan makes it a destination where you need to be prepared to spend many hours exploring and get lost on purpose; once you get situated in the city moving from point A to point B is not difficult and the public and private options are many. You can build multiple day tours for every different type of tourist enthusiast, and not only the transportation will help you but also the great people living in the city will help you and try to navigate to your destination.

TOKYO SKYTREE If you want to see how the city can fit more than 37 million people go on top of the Tokyo Skytree and get a 360 view of the city from the tallest structure in Japan. It is a television and radio broadcast site, and when you see it from a distance looks like a futuristic tower where you would control air travel of spaceships entering the city airspace.

Tokyo Skytree, and also the Asahi HQ (Building looks like a beer pint)

I would suggest you buy the tickets online, so you have an easier entrance procedure, in the location you can find many restaurants and some stores where you can buy gifts if you want. You have 2 options floor 350 and floor 450 (high and higher), we bought the basic ticket and for us was great, since the objective was to learn about the place and have a 360 perspective of the city from above. The views are great, and you can truly get a sense of the magnitude of the city and how packed it is… Great to do this after you have an initial tour of the city, in that way you can identify places that you have been, we could identify some of the temples we visited and the Asahi HQ a building that looks like a beer served in a glass (Go and find it!!!)

MEIJI SHRINE One of the things I learn during my visit is that in Japan people based their faith in mainly 2 religion Buddhism and Shinto, interesting that they are more focused on the spirituality and worship rather than doctrines. You can find many shrines across Tokyo; numbers talk of about 85,000 shines in Japan. One of them and an impressive one is the Meiji Shrine in honor of Emperor Meiji and Empress Shoken.

The shrine was built in 1920 and many of the buildings were destroyed after World War II, it was rebuilt after public funding efforts. As you pass under the gate, there is a great vibe and feel of relaxation; more than 100,000 trees are part of this shrine making it a big oasis in the big city of Tokyo. You can see people doing their rituals and if you are lucky there are weddings happening, so you can get a glimpse of the ceremony and the wardrobes they use (we were lucky to see). Expect to be here at least an hour so you can walk calmly and enjoy all the great images.

We crashed a wedding!!!

SHIBUYA CROSSING Who would have thought that a street crossing could be an attraction, well in Tokyo you can find the busiest street crossing in the world. Complete madness when the stoplight is green, and you see up to 3,000 people crossing at the same time. Not only you have hundreds of people there, also you have Billboards with sound and big trailers crossing the street with proportions of some Japanese artist. Is mayhem but an organized one, as Japan order and cleanliness is top even on this congested street.

SENSOJI TEMPLE One of the oldest temple in Japan and for sure one of the most visited sacred places in the world (Some publish it as #1), with the amazing entrance through a gate with 2 goods a long street with plenty of stores ending at the temple. This temple also was rebuilt after World War 2, the gate was burned in a fire so in 1960 was done again. You will find many tourist and locals here, one particular thing here is that you see groups of girls renting traditional Kimono and stroll through the temple.

KABUKI THEATRE In Ginza neighborhood you can enjoy one of the traditional arts form the Kabuki performance with it dance, drama and decorated costumes. This theater provides you with the opportunity to enjoy the art for, by either buying a full day ticket or buying a third act ticket so you can see a part of it (the complete show takes 5-6 hours). Since is in Japanese is a bit difficult to follow but if you like theatre the experience can be a good way to admire a very traditional art form.

Ginza, Shinjuku, Akihabara, Ueno, Harajuku, Odaiba Districts One of the top things I recommend is to spend a day just going in the metro and moving from district to district. Tokyo public transportation is immense and more importantly easy to use. Visiting these districts will give you a clear understanding of the diversity you can find in the city. From well-renowned boutiques to full buildings with everything of Anime that you can imagine, to parks that you can walk at your leisure; it will be a day you will love.

TEAM LAB MUSEUM For a unique interactive art experience with the latest digital technology this is the place to go. A different museum versus the traditional ones, you will find multiple digital art exhibitions displayed in a huge space and the artworks are projected across walls and floors, and immersive installations of light and sound that move and reflect by your movements and touches. You will be part of the digital artworks, make sure to bring your camera as it’s the perfect place to take Instagram photos.

DISNEY SEA For a different Disney experience you can go to the Disney Sea theme park, one of the most visited parks in the world and the second one behind Tokyo Disneyland. As the name refers, you will walk through different ports in the park, from the American or Arabian ports to some more imaginative like the Mermaid Lagoon. The park feels different to other Disney parks, but what makes this park great are the employees and shows, the level of service and showmanship are top versus other theme parks outside Japan.

This is my third post on Tokyo, and as you can see there is tons to do and explore in Tokyo; in my previous posts I also shared about how awesome is the food and bar scene in Tokyo. We have Japan as a most go back place, for sure we will be back to continue exploring and enjoying all the great things this country has to offer.

Thankful of spending some days in this great city!!!

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Tokyo Bar Scene… A must in your travel agenda…

When growing up in Puerto Rico, planning a trip to Japan usually was not at the top of the list (For sure Disney or a Caribbean Cruise). Going to Tokyo from San Juan means to travel more than 20 hours before you land in Tokyo. If you ask me, before moving to Dubai the land of the rising sun was not on our travel plans. As part of my current assignment the opportunity to visit Tokyo arrived and we decided to stay additional days to grasp the rich culture, energy, and history in the most populated city in the world. What an excellent decision it was.

We spend 5 days exploring the city and the result is we fell in love with Tokyo. This city is so impressive that a year will not be enough to really explore it; from the delicious food (Okonomiyaki, a must try), meaningful theater (Kabuki, so unique art), beautiful parks and public spaces (Cherry Blossom season is inspiring) Tokyo has it all. I have decided that my first post on Tokyo would be what for me was a big surprise, the impressive bar scene you can find in Tokyo and that can be a great complement to your daily activities and a way to end a day of sightseeing. In the post will share 3 bars we went and had an absolute blast, making our visit even more spectacular.

The first bar is Bar Orchard Ginza, is located at 6-5-16 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. The premise of this bar is very simple you select a fruit from the display they have on the bar and they will make you a drink. Here come the twist of this place, don’t expect just a drink in a glass with ice, they will create a drink that will tell a story while enjoying it. In Bar Orchard you go for more than a drink, you go for the entertainment, craftmanship, and creativity of the bartender.

It is so cool that you just want to try a new drink to see what else they can master… A Shark that just had lunch… A Hippo that can devour you… A Flower pot, that you need to pour some “water” before drinking… or a trash can with a syringe and test tube for you to make the drink (clean and sanitized before prep). All of this preparation happens in a small locale (not more than 12 people) with the Chief bartender and the apprentice. They are good at the small talk while preparing the drink, also some background music is there to have the proper ambiance, still you can easily have a conversation and unwind after a full day of exploring Tokyo massive landscape.

Second bar we went is named Tir na nog, different to the first one they are located in the basement of one of the buildings in the Ginza area. Here is the address that will help you find it – 5 Ginza Chuo-ku Tokyo 104-0061 Japan, as you walk in the street you need to watch carefully because there are many signs and you can easily miss it. Once you go down the stairs and enter through a heavy metal door, there is a complete change of mood, you go back in time hundred of years in the time of castles. The décor used is very cool (dark, mix of metal and wood) and really make you forget that you are in Tokyo year 2023, you are now in another time and place.

Now that you found the place, need to ask for a good a good drink… and let me tell you here they are also very creative in the way they put together their drinks. In the bar you can find a Candy Floss machine, not for kids to enjoy but to put together as part of a drink!!! talk about sugar rush. One of the drinks we order was the Empress Garden, thy use Mochi as part of the garnish like a cherry; another drink we tried was the Bridgetown Old-Fashioned, here the mix of rum, angostura, Pomegranate, sugar and orange oil makes one delicious cocktail that will make you have more than one (My wife preferred drink now).

Tir na nog, is much bigger than the other bars we went; here you can easily have 35-450 people in the bar at the same time, but the service was also very good and like I told you earlier once you enter time will stop and you forget that you are in one of the most impressive cities in the world where million of people leave in a fantastic display of harmonic chaos. I would recommend the bar if you are in a group.

The last bar we visited is named Star Bar also located in Ginza (1-5-13, Chuo-ku, Tokyo), you find it also in the basement of the building but more easy to identify as it has a good size sign in the entrance. This bar is very classic, you enter the room and is all dark wood and leather with the right light (Not to dark or to bright). You will served by the Chief bartender, the apprentice, and 1 or 2 additional supporting staff (one speak great English and help us translate to Japanese) they all are focus to provide top notch service and upscale experience.

Here at Star Bar you find “Ninja Ice”, this ice is so pure that is invisible to sight when in a drink, they use very pure water and 72 hours to freeze it creating the effect of Ninja Ice. I tried a Whisky highball and it is really impressive the quality and purity of the ice, but for me what I found impressive was Japanese whisky. During the trip had the opportunity to try and bring home a couple of them: Yamazaki, Hakushu (2021 Single Peated Malt was my favorite), Hiniki – this are some of the brands you can find at every bar, feel free to explore them you will not be disappointed. My wife had the crème de cacao /menth and fresh cream a sweet drink that is an excellent choice for after dinner.

During our visit we meet Hisashi Kishi, owner and master bartender of Star Bar. Winner of bartending championships his a celebrity in this arena. We had the opportunity to chat with him and also learn that Seiko used 2 of his drinks to create special watches for a collection. This guy is so famous that someone enter the bar to get his autograph and have a drink prepared by him. At the end of the night we took a photo with him outside the bar, we were so impressed not only by the level of service but also by the personal touch.

The bar experience we had in Tokyo was not only great from the drinks we had, but also by the great people that work in there and how each place reflects a different personality; they made our Tokyo visit even better. At the end of a long day of sightseeing we were energized by the fact of going to one of the many bars they have in Tokyo and explore something different. Some of this bars have been in top 50 bars in Asia list, and is clear now for me why they have been selected.

Need to be on the watch to find the entrance to this different bars… Cheers!!!

This is my first of a couple of post I will do on Tokyo, it is a great city and the people we met and places we went are a small sample but we can say Tokyo needs to be high on the list of places to visit. Thanks for reading the post, please share it and sign in to receive our updates; also follow us on Instagram, or Facebook look for #BORICUASLIVINGABROAD. Until next time….

Phuket Thailand: a great southeast Asia destination, with tons of things to enjoy

I have been lucky to visit some cool beach destinations in the Caribbean, Mexico, and the USA; from mega resorts to Airbnb spending a couple of days at the beach are always welcomed. Being a native of Puerto Rico we know what good beach are: Flamenco in Culebra – Luquillo & Palomino in the east coast or Jobos and Domes beach in the northwest of Puerto Rico there are so many great beaches that we are spoiled in our beautiful island. Now going back to Thailand and specific to Phuket… what an awesome beach destination with so many things to do, here I will only will share a fraction of the things to do.

The first thing you need to know is that Phuket is the biggest Island of Thailand, is the second smallest province, close in size to Singapore. Today it looks like tourism is the biggest source of income, it is 550 miles of Bangkok with a great airport that welcomes local and international flights everyday of the year. The location close to the equator makes its climate tropical with good hot weather all year long.

Majority of the people are Buddhist (60%+), with Muslim (25%+) making the 2 biggest groups. Is very common to find Buddhist monks walking through the streets, also in the airport there is a special lounge for them. We went to a couple of places of interest where we got to learn a little of their religion and beliefs; for me this is one of the biggest plus of traveling and is learning new things and expand your knowledge by learning and experiencing close and personal the different cultures. Is so great that we have differences and that we can make positive impact from many different ways.

We had the opportunity in this short trip to visit some of the best attractions Phuket has to offer, also very good places to eat in different price range. Our stay was short just 3 nights, you will need at least a full week to explore the majority of things Phuket has to offer from my observation of all Phuket has to offer. Let me share some of the highlights of our trip.

Since Phuket is an island, definitely a tour to explore the open sea is required and enjoy some of the most awesome sights you can get at sea. We found a tour by Amazing Canoeing in trip advisor “Phang Nga Bay Sea Cave Canoeing & James Bond Island w/ Buffet Lunch by Big Boat “, great communication with them and 100% truly recommended. It was a fun and exciting day with a great bunch of people and the employees were top: special thanks to Tony the big Chief, Noon on the Cannoe, an Miss Kong for the Amazing food.

The many small Islands are impressive, just passing through them is a spectacle with their size and unique shapes. We made a couple of stops to do some canoeing and get a bit more closer to truly see their beauty, as part of the trip we were inside a cave where you see hundreds of bats. Another stop was at James Bond Island (Khao Phing Kan), here you stop at 2 small islands very close together, where you can see a lime stone rock iconic in a couple of James Bond movies. The cool story from locals is that this rock was formed when a Fisherman pissed for not getting fish dropped a nail and it become Ko Ta Pu, the place is truly awesome and very well kept from local authorities. It is a very long day, but the different activities makes it cool.

We also did a tour around the big island of Phuket to see a bit more of the cool spots and learn a little bit on the history of the place. For this tour we also looked at trip advisor and found a good one, here is the description ” Phuket Instagram Tour: The Most Famous Spots (Private & All-Inclusive)”. This one was also a very thought tour with great coordination, many thanks to Sheriff who was our tour guide for the day. Good knowledge of Phuket and great sense of humor, all adds to a superb day. There were many stops in our tour some of the most memorable were: Big Buddha overlooking the city, Chalong Temple where we learn about Buddhism, Karon View Point a place high in the mountain with an awesome views of some of the beaches, Old Town Phuket, and a local restaurant to have real local food.

This tour was more than 8 hours, but when the guide is a great storyteller time flies and this was the case for us and if you add the great sights and long history of Thailand is like going back in time and understand how this country and specifically Phuket is a place where you can find balance between nature and the people. As we are getting out of COVID, will be important that this balance continues and proper planning is done to keep the places in good condition for generations to come.

There are many beaches where you can stay, from relax to party places, is important you study before selecting the place to stay. Because of the short time we were going to be in Phuket, we decided to stay in Patong Beach; it is the most busy part of the island but the hotel we choose Four Points Sheraton was excellent to rest in the night and centrally located in Patong.

One night we decided to do some fine dining and some bar hoping at Patong Beach where you have a very long street with many bars, discos, restaurants. Food at the Baan Rim Pa was very well done, I recommend the place for a good dinner in front of the beach. Patong Brach street is a 10 minute drive in a taxi, go for some drinks is a cool and different place with huge crowds. Patong beach at night can be a bit hectic but there is order in the disorder you see. People in Phuket are focus on maintain the place safe so tourist give great review and recommendations ad get more people to visit. All the people we met were great, with a good attitude and service oriented.

The sights in Phuket are impressive, you need at least 5 or 6 days to see most of the great locations it has to offer. Thanks for reading the post, please share it and sign in to receive our updates; also follow us on Instagram, or Facebook look for #BORICUASLIVINGABROAD. Until next time….

Changi Airport and The Jewel: A must attraction while in Singapore

Recently had a trip to Singapore and decided that before I returned to Dubai to spend a good 6 hours at the well renowned Changi Airport. This was my second trip to Singapore, during my first visit I was impressed by the airport cleanliness and open areas with floor to floor carpets (looked like a hotel not an airport) and had already read of the Jewel an entertainment complex built as part of the airport at a cost of more than $1 billion USD.

Good view to understand the size of the Jewel

Traveling for a good part of my life, I need to tell you that being in the airport is something I like. Just looking at the people and their faces of happiness when they are traveling for pleasure or all this business people trying to make business in a crowded terminal and fighting with their mobile signal is always fun. It does not matter how much travel experience you have Changi airport will leave you impressed, not only to manage the million of people that travel in a year but also into getting them to spend money the 2-3 hours they are in the airport.

A little bit of history on Changi Airport before I describe my experience; is one of the busiest international passenger and cargo airports in the world at it speak it managed more than 68 million passengers more than 10 times the country population. It was ranked by skytrax best airport in the world 8 years in a row until 2020. More than 100 airlines flight to Changi Airport to more than 400 destinations around the world, and due to the strategic location is the flagship cargo hub for Fedex in asia.

The airport has 4 terminals, plus the Jewel complex also three runaways to serve the hundreds of daily flights. I was reading the y are building a 5th terminal to be operational by 2030 and serve the future demand (expect to double the traffic). But what really distinguished Changi to other airports are all the features and services it offers: 100+ stores and shopping malls, 10 garden areas for you to relax, own Singapore tours service if you have more than 5 hours layover, Singapore metro connects directly to the airport and the full entertainment complex called the Jewel.

Once you arrive to the airport you go directly into the terminal, since they have so many connecting flights you don’t need to do immigration quickly. You can walk, stretch, eat, have a drink before going to Immigration and outside the terminal. Both times I have gone it has been an easy procedure. After you are out you can use multiple transit method to get to your final destination. Check in for sure departure flight is also very easy and if you fly in airlines like Emirates you can do early check in (more than 3 hours), so you can enjoy what Changi airport has to offer. On our flight back we did check-in 6 hrs before the flight and set to enjoy all the entertainment options the airport offer.

If you have only have a couple of hours you need to go straight to the Jewel and explore all the green areas and the huge waterfall that will hypnotize you. In its first 6 months receive 50 million visitors or 300 thousand people per day. Designed to maintain the status of a major hub aviation in Asia, opened in October 2019. Some of the attractions that you will enjoy are: Shiseido Forrest valley one of Asia biggest indoor garden, The Rain Vortex (currently the world’s largest and tallest indoor waterfall), Canopy park with adult and kids attractions a top the Jewel, Changi Experience Studio an interactive display of Changi Airport.

The photos don’t make justice of how impressive is Changi airport but give you some idea on what to expect, if you go to my Instagram (Boricuaslivingabroad) account you will find some videos that bring a different perspective or visit to get detailed information of activities. Thanks for reading the post, please share it and sign in to receive our updates; also follow us on Instagram, or Facebook look for #BORICUASLIVINGABROAD. Until next time….

Let’s finish the list on 10 things you could do in Dubai, while coming to Qatar World Cup – Part 2

Will take the opportunity to finish the list of things you could do here in Dubai, making the most of your time in the Middle East for the world cup in Qatar. Many of the big Airlines have announce the use of Al Maktoum International (DWC) airport to serve as a bridge between the 2 countries during the soccer event. Dubai is just 1 hour flight from Doha so definitely doing a couple of days here can be a great addition to what will be the biggest sport event of the year.

6) Explore the Dubai Mall and see the city atop the Burj Khalifa

In Dubai breaking records is a common thing, is not strange to find the second biggest shopping mall and tallest building in the world next to each other. They are both located in downtown Dubai, thousand of people go there daily to shop, dine and entertain. It is crazy to see hundred of people walking in bunches from the metro station to the Dubai Mall entrance, just the walk is 1 mile long.

Once you are inside the mall, there is plenty to do… Some of the attractions are full hockey court, 22 movie cinema, Fountain show (Las Vegas Style), 150 million old Dino Fossil, VR Park, 1,000+ stores, more than 100 restaurants (Fine dinning, Casual dinning, Fast Food, Cafes). You need to plan ahead just to not get lost!!!

From the Dubai Mall you can directly to the Burj Khalifa entrance where you can take an elevator and go up to different floors and admire Dubai from the altitude. In the lobby you will find interesting information on the development of the building and all the great technology it has. It is an impressive building from the inside but for me is more spectacular admiring it from different places of Dubai, you can see the building from many miles in the distance

Night View of the Burj Khalifa, being part of the Fountain show

7) Visit Dubai Marina and have a good time in one of the many restaurants

30 minutes by car from the Dubai airport you will find Dubai Marina an artificial canal city that opened in 2003 and now makes home for more than 50K people. Getting to Marina is very easy, you could take the metro and get down in the Dubai Marina Metro station, from there you can walk to many places or take the tram that will make it more accessible to move toward the outer parts of marina.

You can find great places to eat and have fun, during day or night… check for daily brunches and happy hours to benefit of good specials in food and drinks. There are places with great views of the Marina and JBR, some of the places I like are Pier 7 (7 restaurants under one roof), Bliss Lounge (great view to the Dubai Eye), Chalco’s Cantina at Marina Gate (Great Mexican food and Corona Beer, you will find me here during the World Cup). Very close from here is Dubai Harbor one of the places that will have FIFA fan zones to enjoy the games.

8) Jump into a Water Taxi and admire Dubai Skyline from the sea

In Dubai you will see a huge number of exotic car on the streets, you can even rent a Ferrari for 60 minutes and take it out for a spin; there is also many public transportation alternatives and one of them is a water Taxi service where you can move to key locations around Dubai. It is a great way to see a little bit of the city from the see with great skyline views of Dubai.

Some of the locations you can go and start a trip are: Dubai Marina, Dubai Creek, Al Ghubaiba (Old Dubai). Depending the distance you will pay between $6USD to $20USD, taking the longest route will bring you some great views of different landscapes of the city. For sure is a great activity for all people, and you can combine it with other transportation methods to cover all the city.

9) Visit Expo 2020 site and watch a game in this FIFA fan zone

In October 2021 with a delay of 1 year the Dubai World Expo 2020 opened, for this even that run until March 2022 Dubai created a city from zero a place where more than 180 countries got together to share the best they have to offer from innovations, culinary arts, folklore, business opportunities. It was an event that brought more than 20 million visitors in 6 months, and now the Dubai Expo site is being prepared to become a center for entrepreneurs to develop ideas and foster innovations that will impact the world.

In October they are reopening some of the country pavilions and activities that where part of the Expo, and during the world cup the central plaza will be converted into a FIFA fan zone where you can go and enjoy football with for sure thousand of people of different nationalities. It will be clearly a place to go during the world cup and after it, since it is reopening as Expo City Dubai.

10) Make a short trip to other Emirates, they are all very close

If you want to explore beyond Dubai there are other great Emirates and activities to do a couple of hours from downtown. Here are a couple of ideas if you want to adventure: Go to Abu Dhabi just a 40 minute drive and do a day tour to see this Emirate and enjoy Ferrari World, WB Park or try some car racing in the Yas Marina Circuit. I will be doing a full post on Abu Dhabi so I can share detailed information on the richest Emirate of the UAE. The second idea is go and do the longest Zipline in the world at Jebel Jais in the Ras Al-Khaimah Emirate is around 2 hour drive, you will not be disappointed with this adventure.

There are many other things to do in Dubai but this 10 that I just shared are definitely must do if you have the time, the World Cup in Qatar is near and Dubai will be a great destination to enjoy the event. Thanks for reading the post, please share it and sign in to receive our updates; also follow us on Instagram, or Facebook look for #BORICUASLIVINGABROAD. Until next time….